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Geographic links

Downloadable data Sites related to GPS

Downloadable data, to be viewed in GeoVisu

OpenStreetMap data
OpenStreetMap project aims to create and provide free geographic.
OSM data are for now under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 licence.
The page http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Planet tells you where to download data in OSM XML format. Prefers extracts (complete planet.osm has a size of 8,9 Gb zipped !).
You will have to unzip files to be able to display them with GeoVisu, since GeoVisu does not support bz2 compression format.
GeoVisu can display correctly .osm files up to 2 Gb unzipped.
You can also contribute to OpenStreetMap projet with your GPS receiver(s)... !
NGA Raster Roam (ex GeoEngine)
lets you view and export satellite images (DOI - Digital Orthorectified Imagery) from 1990s and with resolution 10m per pixel.
Select first Digital Orthorectified Imagery 10 meter in "Desired Product Level".
Then, aelect an area using the interactive map, and last choose GeoTiff in "Select an Output type", to get a file that is immediately usable in GeoVisu.
Despitely, export is possible only for small areas.
A large part of Northen hemisphere is available. (Coverage area)
ESDI data
(explanations at http://glcfapp.umiacs.umd.edu:8080/esdi/index.jsp)
Travel by GPS
Numerous waypoints and tracklog files, mainly in format GPX.
Waypoints, tracklogs and maps archive in format GTM (especially Brazil).
Subscription required.

Sites dealing with GPS

Everything concerning GPS, news and forums.
German shop for mobile PC and GPS solutions.

SDK, libraries and software by other editors, used by GeoVisu

Last update : 03-APR-2009

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