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SDK, libraries and software by other editors

Inno Setup Compiler
Inno Setup is a free of charge Windows installer.
GeoVisu, ImageVisu, GpsDiffuser and GVCOnverter installers are made using Inno Setup.
ER Mapper - Format ECW
ECW (Ehanced Compressed Wavelet) format developped by ER Mapper provides good compression and image geolocalization.
ImageVisu and Geovisu use the free ECW-SDK v2.46 which allows decompression of this image format in any application (for Windows only).
Lizardtech - Format MrSid
MrSid (Multi-Resolution seamless Image Database) format developped by Lizardtech provides good compression and image geolocalization.
This format is not public, but Lizardtech provides a free SDK to allow decompression of this image format in any application.
ImageVisu and GeoVisu use GeoExpress SDK v6.0.7.1407 to read this format.
Free icons
See also geographic links

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